Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall Fun & Pumpkin Picking

We wanted to share from photos from the past month. For his 1st birthday we got him a wagon so we have been working on wagon rides, he normally lasts 10 mins then wants to push the wagon himself...hopefully soon he will last around the block! He also has been playing with alot of new birthday toys - a starter big wheel and a climbing tunnel.

We went pumpkin picking with our friends the Groulx's and had a fun time. We took a hayride out to the field, picked a couple pumpkins and headed back. The kids had a great time and it was warm! He found his pumpkin and again liked pushing the wagon and sitting on the tractor.

1 comment:

  1. The cubs t-shirt with belt combo looks like Tom! Like father like son - Guapo! Love the photos with Cora always
